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Night Owl's Shareware - PDSI-004-1 - Wayzata Technology (1990).iso
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PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Table of Contents Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Copyright and Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . 1
How to Contact Bowen Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Software Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Trademark Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Disclaimer and Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installing PopDBF Files on Your Hard Disk . . . . . . . . . 4
Modifying AUTOEXEC.BAT to Load PopDBF . . . . . . . . . . . 4
How to Invoke PopDBF (Using the "Hotkey") . . . . . . . . . 4
Command Line Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
/D<dir> Initial PopDBF Directory . . . . . . . . . . 5
/Fnnnnn Maximum number of fields . . . . . . . . . . 5
/H Display brief description of command line
arguments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
/M Force monochrome colors. . . . . . . . . . . 6
/P[file] Use "passthru" or non-resident mode. . . . . 6
/Rnnnnn Read buffer size in bytes . . . . . . . . . . 6
/S Enable snow checking. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
/U Uninstall (remove) from memory . . . . . . . 7
/W Start in read/write file access mode. . . . . 7
/Z Start zoom mode for Browse in expanded
state. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Generic Help (Alt-F1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Context Sensitive Help (F1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Alt Menu (Alt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Alt Action Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Alt Toggle Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Toggle Indicator Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Pick File (Alt-P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Choose Directory/File/Index (Enter) . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Move to Parent Directory (BackSpace) . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Enter an Alternate Path (F2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Change Current Drive (F3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Change File Specification (F4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Move to Current DOS Drive & Directory (F10) . . . . . . . . 12
Frequent Database Access (Alt-1 thru 0) . . . . . . . . . . 12
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Table of Contents Table of Contents
View Structure (Alt-S) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
(Un-)Number Fields (Space) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Clear Field Numbers (F2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Assign a Specific Field Number (F3) . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Order Fields Using Field Numbers (F4) . . . . . . . . . . . 13
(Un-)Tag Field for Exclusive Find (F6) . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Clear Exclusive Find Tags (F7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Print the File Structure (F9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Browse Records (Alt-B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Current Record and Delete Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Pan the Browse Window ( / ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
View Large Fields (Tab/Shift-Tab) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Zoom the Browse Window (F2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Goto a Specific Record (F3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Find Text (F7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Find Next Occurrence of Text (F8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Print Records (F9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Turn Century On/Off (Ctrl-C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Edit/Append Records (Alt-E/Alt-A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Copy a Record (F2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Goto a Specific Record (F3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Find Text (F7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Find Next Occurrence of Text (F8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Field Information (F10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Turn Century On/Off (Ctrl-C) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
System Date (Ctrl-D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Move to Last Field Position (Ctrl-E) . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Restore Field Data (Ctrl-F) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Abort and Lose Changes (Ctrl-Q/Esc) . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Restore Entire Record (Ctrl-R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Mark Record as Deleted (Ctrl-U) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Quit and Save Changes (Ctrl-W/Ctrl-End) . . . . . . . . . . 18
Blank Current Field (Ctrl-Y) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Blank to End of Field (Ctrl-Delete) . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Move to End of Data (End) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Move to First Position (Home) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Move Word (Ctrl- /Ctrl- ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Move to First/Last Field on Screen (Ctrl- /Ctrl- ) . . . . . 18
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Introduction Introduction
Introduction Introduction ____________
Copyright and Registration Information Copyright and Registration Information
PopDBF software is copyright (C) 1989 by Bowen Software. All rights
PopDBF is not now, nor was it ever, public domain or free software.
PopDBF is currently available in shareware and will soon be released
Non-registered users are granted a limited license for trial use of
PopDBF for 21 days. After 21 days if you continue to use PopDBF you
MUST register it. Use of PopDBF after the 21 day trial period
violates Bowen Software's license.
Registration of PopDBF is mandatory for commercial and government
Registered users are provided services and software not available to
the non-registered user. Registered users are notified of program
updates and provided the first update FREE! Also, the registered
version of PopDBF does NOT contain the **UNREGISTERED COPY** window
which pops up on the screen at each invocation of PopDBF.
Under no circumstances shall any person or business profit from the
sale of this program, other than to distribute the program in a
shareware library. Bowen Software hereby grants permission to
distribute the DEMO VERSION of PopDBF in a shareware library or on any
bulletin board system provided the files are not modified in any way
and no more than aa $10 distribution fee is charged.
To register your copy of PopDBF, send $35 to:
Bowen Software Bowen Software
P.O. Box 2134 P.O. Box 2134
East Peoria, Illinois 61611 East Peoria, Illinois 61611
How to Contact Bowen Software How to Contact Bowen Software
Bowen Software shareware products have their home on the Exec-PC
bulletin board located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The Exec-PC phone
number is (414) 789-4210. Electronic messages can be left on Exec-PC
and should be addressed to Don Bowen. This is also where you can find
the latest version of PopDBF and other programs by Bowen Software.
You can also contact Bowen Software by leaving messages on Compuserve.
Our Compuserve # is 72421,2452.
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Introduction Introduction
Software Support Software Support
Registered users are provided free phone support for six months. No
phone support is guaranteed for un-registered users, but we are happy
to answer questions about our products and consulting services. Bowen
Software can be reached at (309) 699-0950. Registered users will be
asked for their serial number.
Trademark Acknowledgements Trademark Acknowledgements
CLIPPER is a trademark of Nantucket Corporation. CLIPPER
COMPAQ is a registered trademark of COMPAQ Computers, Inc. COMPAQ
dBASE and dBASE III are registered trademarks of Ashton Tate, Inc. dBASE and dBASE III
dBASE III Plus and dBASE IV are trademarks of Ashton Tate, Inc. dBASE III Plus and dBASE IV
FoxBASE+ is a registered trademark of Fox Software, Inc. FoxBASE+
PopDBF is a trademark of Bowen Software. PopDBF
Quicksilver is a trademark of Wordtech Systems, Inc. Quicksilver
Sidekick and Sidekick Plus are trademarks of Borland International, Sidekick Sidekick Plus
Disclaimer and Warranty Disclaimer and Warranty
This software is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind,
either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the
software is with you. Should the software prove defective, you, NOT
Bowen Software, assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing,
repair or correction.
In no event shall Bowen Software be liable to you for any damages,
including lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or
consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this
software, even if Bowen Software has been advised of the possibility
of such damages, or for any claim by any other party.
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Getting Started Getting Started
Getting Started Getting Started _______________
Description Description
PopDBF is a memory resident program that will give you "instant
access" to Clipper, dBASE III Plus, dBASE IV, FoxBASE+, and
Quicksilver (or any other dBASE compatible) files from anywhere at the
press of the hotkey (Alt-BackSpace). It provides an easy way to move
throughout your hard disk(s) and find your database files. It also
has context sensitive help for novice (or forgetful) users.
You can use PopDBF to:
pick database file
view file structure
print file structure
browse records
print records
search for strings anywhere in a database
append and edit records
specify fields and assign their order for the above features
view index expressions of index files
PopDBF has four main areas, Pick File, View Structure, Browse Records,
and Edit/Append Records. These areas are described more fully below
along with the actions available from each.
Limitations Limitations
Though PopDBF has a bunch of features, it does not do everything,
Currently PopDBF does not do the following:
allow two or more users on a network to access the same file
view or edit memo fields
use index files (it does display the expression used to
create them)
view more than one database file at a time.
handle database files with more 65,535 records.
handle fields larger than 1080 characters.
install itself in extended memory.
Cautions Cautions
When using PopDBF from within any product that allows editing of dBASE
compatible files, like dBASE, it is important to remember that most of
those products do internal record buffering. This means that if a
record is changed in dBASE and resides in a dBASE internal buffer, it
will NOT reflect that change when viewed from within PopDBF.
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Getting Started Getting Started
Likewise, if a record is changed in PopDBF while that same record is
in an internal dBASE buffer, the change will be overwritten by dBASE
when it closes the file and/or flushes the internal buffer.
As a general rule, do not change records in a database that might be
opened by dBASE.
Installing PopDBF Files on Your Hard Disk Installing PopDBF Files on Your Hard Disk
To load the PopDBF files to your hard disk do the following:
make drive A: your default drive by typing A: and pressing A:
place the PopDBF diskette in drive A: and type POPINST <dir> POPINST <dir>
and press . <dir> is the directory where you want the
PopDBF files installed. If you don't specify <dir> it will
default to POPDBF.
When PopDBF is executed it assumes that POPDBF.HLP, the context
sensitive help file, and POPDBF.FRQ, the frequent database list, are
in the same directory as POPDBF.COM. If either of those files are not
in that directory, their corresponding features will not function.
See "Help" on page 8 and "Frequent Database Access" on page 12. Help Frequent Database Access
Modifying AUTOEXEC.BAT to Load PopDBF Modifying AUTOEXEC.BAT to Load PopDBF
To load PopDBF at boot time, add the following line to your
. .
[path\]POPDBF [arguments] <load PopDBF into memory> [path\]POPDBF [arguments]
. .
If the optional path is not specified POPDBF.COM must either be in the
current directory or in the PATH.
For help on which arguments to use when loading PopDBF see "Command "Command
Line Arguments" on page 5. Line Arguments"
You can conserve memory by loading PopDBF (or any other memory
resident program) before doing any PROMPT, PATH or SET commands. For
additional memory saving tips see /E, /F, and /R under "Command Line /E /F /R "Command Line
Arguments" on page 5. Arguments"
PopDBF does not need to be the last memory resident program. However,
it can NOT be uninstalled from memory if it isn't the last memory
resident program or if another memory resident program has recaptured
one of PopDBF's interrupts.
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Getting Started Getting Started
How to Invoke PopDBF (Using the "Hotkey") How to Invoke PopDBF (Using the "Hotkey")
By default the hotkey to invoke PopDBF is Alt-BackSpace. To invoke
PopDBF, press and hold the Alt key and at the same time press the
BackSpace key. Future versions will include a program that allows you
to change this default.
As soon as you press the PopDBF hotkey, the PopDBF program will "pop"
onto the screen. Pressing the hotkey again will take you right back
to the interrupted program. You can "hotkey" out of PopDBF from
anywhere in the program except when you are being prompted for
information. At those times, pressing the hotkey will abort that
action just as if you had pressed Esc.
When you press the hotkey to leave PopDBF any open database is closed.
Pressing the hotkey again will return you to the same location in
PopDBF with the file being opened automatically as if it had never
been closed. You can even hotkey out and back in while using Edit or
Command Line Arguments Command Line Arguments
To load or execute PopDBF type the following at the DOS prompt:
PopDBF [arguments], where arguments can be: PopDBF [arguments]
/D<dir> Initial PopDBF Directory /D<dir>
The format of <dir> is [d:]path, where d: is the
optional drive identifier.
The initial PopDBF directory is set to the current DOS
directory the first time PopDBF invoked, if this option
is not specified.
The PopDBF directory changes only when a move is made
from within PopDBF. Each time PopDBF is invoked the
current DOS directory is saved and the PopDBF directory
becomes the current directory. When leaving PopDBF the
previous current directory is restored. See also "Move "Move
to Current DOS Directory" on page 12. to Current DOS Directory"
/Ennnnn Edit buffer size in bytes (default = 1024). /Ennnnn
If a file has a record size larger than the edit buffer
size, you will not be allowed to Edit or Append.
You can conserve memory by specifying a buffer size as
small as 0. However, if the buffer is too small you
will not be allowed to Edit or Append.
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Getting Started Getting Started
/Fnnnnn Maximum number of fields (default = 64). /Fnnnnn
The default value should handle most needs, however
Clipper databases can have up to 1024 fields.
The maximum number of fields also determines the
maximum number of files that the Pick File window can
display. To calculate the maximum number of files,
multiply the maximum number of fields by 21 and divide
by 14. The default is 96 (64 x 21 / 14 = 96).
You can conserve memory by specifying less than the
default number of fields. The savings is 21 bytes per
/H Display brief description of command line arguments. /H
/M Force monochrome colors. /M
On some monitors, like the COMPAQ portable gas plasma
monitors, this is necessary to be able to see menu
lite-bars and hi-intensity text.
/P[file] Use "passthru" or non-resident mode. /P[file]
This option will not load PopDBF into memory, but will
allow you to use all of its features.
If a file is also specified (no brackets are
necessary), PopDBF will automatically come up in
Browse, unless wildcards were included in the file
/Rnnnnn Read buffer size in bytes (default = 4096). /Rnnnnn
If a file's record size is larger that the read buffer
size, you will not be allowed to Browse the file.
The larger the read buffer the faster scrolling and
finding will be done when in Browse and Edit.
You can conserve memory by specifying a buffer size as
small as 0. However, if the buffer is too small you
will not be allowed to Browse a database.
/S Enable snow checking. /S
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Getting Started Getting Started
Older color graphic adapters (CGA) produce snow or
sparkle when accessing video memory directly. PopDBF
gets some of its speed by directly accessing video
memory. If you see snow on your monitor, using this
argument should eliminate most of the distraction.
/U Uninstall (remove) from memory /U
This will remove PopDBF from memory, but ONLY if it is
the last memory resident program.
In some special cases, even when PopDBF is the last
memory resident program it can't be removed from
memory. This occurs if another resident program re-
steals one of the interrupt vectors after PopDBF has
chained into it. Sidekick and Sidekick Plus are
examples of this type of program.
/W Start in read/write file access mode. /W
PopDBF's default file access mode is read-only. This
is to prevent accidentally getting into Edit and
changing data. Specifying this argument will override
that default. See also "Alt Toggle Keys" on page 9. "Alt Toggle Keys"
/Z Start zoom mode for Browse in expanded state. /Z
By default the browse window shows only 12 records.
When zoomed it will show 18 records. See also "Zoom Zoom
Browse Window" on page 15. Browse Window
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Help Help
Help Help ____
Help is available in PopDBF only if the file POPDBF.HLP is in the same
directory as POPDBF.COM, the main program.
While in Help you can press the up and down arrow keys as well as PgUp
and PgDn to scroll the help text. To get out of Help, press Esc.
Generic Help (Alt-F1) Generic Help (Alt-F1)
You can get generic help about the system by pressing Alt-F1 from any
area of the program.
This help explains the Alt Action and Toggle Keys and the toggle
indicators. See "Alt Menu" on page 9. It also explains cursor and "Alt Menu"
lite-bar movement.
Context Sensitive Help (F1) Context Sensitive Help (F1)
Pressing F1 will provide specific help for any area of PopDBF. The
help provided is essentially the same text found in this manual. Some
areas of PopDBF are explained only in context sensitive help.
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Alt Menu Alt Menu
Alt Menu (Alt) Alt Menu (Alt) ______________
Pressing the Alt key will show the Alt menu on the status line.
Releasing the Alt key will restore the previous status line. The Alt
menu is divided into two parts, "Action Keys" and "Toggle Keys".
Pressing Alt and one of the highlighted Action Keys will cause the
appropriate action to occur. Pressing Alt and one of the highlighted
Toggle Keys will toggle the appropriate indicator in the indicator
window located in the lower left border of the main window.
Alt Action Keys Alt Action Keys
Alt Action Keys will have no effect when responding to an error, a
prompt, or inside of Help. They also have no effect while positioned
on a directory in the Pick File window.
The Alt Action Keys are:
Alt-A Append records in the current database. Ignored if
file access mode is read-only.
Alt-B Browse records in the current database. If pressed
while in Edit or Append is the same as pressing Esc to
Alt-E Edit records in the current database. If the file
access mode is read-only, Edit acts as a full screen
record viewer.
Alt-P Pick a different database or directory. If pressed
while in Edit or Append is the same as pressing Esc to
Alt-S View field structure of current database. If pressed
while in Edit or Append is the same as pressing Esc to
Alt Toggle Keys Alt Toggle Keys
Alt Toggle Keys will function regardless of where you are in the
The Alt Toggle Keys are:
Alt-C Toggles the case sensitivity indicator between "IC",
ignore case, and "CS", case sensitive. This indicator
affects how the find function does its search. See
"Find Text" on page 15. "Find Text"
Alt-D Toggles the field border indicator between "NB", no
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Alt Menu Alt Menu
borders, and "BO", borders on. This indicator also
affects how the find function behaves.
Alt-I Toggles the insert/overstrike indicator between "IN",
insert mode, and "OV", overstrike mode. This indicator
affects how text is placed into fields in Edit. It can
also be toggled by pressing Insert.
Alt-M Toggles the file access mode indicator between "RO",
read-only mode, and "RW", read-write mode. When the
file access mode is read-only, you will not be allowed
to Edit or Append.
Toggle Indicator Summary Toggle Indicator Summary
The default values for the toggle indicators are given below.
IN/OV: edit mode is insert/overstrike
NB/BO: field borders are off/on
IC/CS: case sensitivity is off/on
RO/RW: file access mode is read-only / read/write
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Pick File Pick File
Pick File (Alt-P) Pick File (Alt-P) _________________
Pressing any letter will move the lite-bar to the first file or
directory that begins with that letter. Successive presses of the
same letter will move to the next file or directory that begins with
that letter. If no file or directory begins with the letter pressed,
no movement will occur.
Choose Directory/File/Index (Enter) Choose Directory/File/Index (Enter)
Pressing will cause one of the following to occur:
If the file is a directory, you will move to that directory.
Once in that directory the Pick File window is refreshed
with the names of files that match the file specification.
If the file is a database, you view the structure of the
database. Future versions will allow you to set a global
flag that determines what action is taken.
If the file is an index (.NDX, .IDX, .NTX only), you will
view the index expression used to it.
Move to Parent Directory (BackSpace) Move to Parent Directory (BackSpace)
Pressing BackSpace will take you to the parent of the current
directory, unless you are currently in the root directory.
Enter an Alternate Path (F2) Enter an Alternate Path (F2)
Pressing F2 will allow you to enter an alternate path/file, which can
include wildcards (* and ?). Entering an alternate path will NOT
change the current directory and no sub-directories in that path will
be displayed for selection.
When an alternate path/file has been entered the label in the upper
left corner will change from "Directory:" to "Current Path:". To get
rid of the alternate path/file press F2, Ctrl-Y and then Enter.
The purpose of this option is to provide quick, temporary access to an
alternate drive and/or directory and/or file. It will be replaced in
the next release.
Change Current Drive (F3) Change Current Drive (F3)
Pressing F3 will allow you to change the current disk drive where
files are accessed. The current directory on that drive will become
the PopDBF directory.
Change File Specification (F4) Change File Specification (F4)
Pressing F4 will allow you to modify the file specification located in
the upper right corner of the main window. The file specification is
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Pick File Pick File
used to determine which files in the current PopDBF directory you are
allowed to pick from. Entering a file specification of *.* will allow
you to pick from all files (provided there are not too many), while
*.DBF will allow only files with an extension of .DBF.
The names of any sub-directories in the current PopDBF directory are
included for possible selection regardless of the file specification.
Move to Current DOS Drive & Directory (F10) Move to Current DOS Drive & Directory (F10)
Pressing F10 will move you to the current DOS directory. The current
DOS directory is the directory you were in before the PopDBF hotkey
was pressed. If that directory is on a drive other than the current
drive, that drive becomes the current drive as well.
Frequent Database Access (Alt-1 thru 0) Frequent Database Access (Alt-1 thru 0)
To use this feature you must have already created an ASCII file named
POPDBF.FRQ containing the names of up to 10 frequently used databases.
Each database name should include a drive identifier, path, file name,
and extension.
Pressing Alt-1 will access the database whose name is on the first
line of this file, Alt-2 will access the second, and so on. If more
than 10 lines are in POPDBF.FRQ they are ignored. The file POPDBF.FRQ
must reside in the same directory as POPDBF.COM.
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
View Structure View Structure
View Structure (Alt-S) View Structure (Alt-S) ______________________
Pressing any letter will move the lite-bar to the first field that
begins with that letter. Successive presses of the same letter will
move to the next field that begins with that letter. If no field
begins with the letter pressed, no movement will occur.
(Un-)Number Fields (Space) (Un-)Number Fields (Space)
Pressing the Space bar will number/un-number the field at the
selection bar. If any fields are numbered, only those fields will be
shown when you Browse or Edit records. The number beside the field
determines the order in which it will be displayed. Two fields with
the same number will remain in the same relative position to each
Clear Field Numbers (F2) Clear Field Numbers (F2)
Pressing F2 will clear all field numbers, but leave the file structure
in the present order. This means that you can assign field numbers,
press F4 to order the fields, and then remove all field numbers by
pressing F2. This will allow you to view all fields but in an order
different from the original. Field numbers are also cleared when a
new file is selected from the Pick File window.
Assign a Specific Field Number (F3) Assign a Specific Field Number (F3)
Pressing F3 will allow you to assign a specific number (0-1024) to a
field to affect its order. Assigning a zero will un-number the field.
Order Fields Using Field Numbers (F4) Order Fields Using Field Numbers (F4)
Pressing F4 will reorder the fields in the structure based on their
field numbers. THIS NEW ORDER IS NOT PERMANENT. The actual structure
of the file on disk is NOT affected. To restore the original field
order either return to the Pick File window and re-select the file or
clear all field numbers and press F4 again.
(Un-)Tag Field for Exclusive Find (F6) (Un-)Tag Field for Exclusive Find (F6)
Pressing F6 will toggle the exclusive find tag for a field. When any
fields are tagged for exclusive find, only those fields are used when
doing a Find or Find Next from Browse or Edit. Also, if the field
border indicator is on (see "Toggle Indicators Summary" on page 10), "Toggle Indicators Summary"
the text being searched for MUST be found entirely within ONE field.
For more information see "Find Text" on page 15. "Find Text"
Clear Exclusive Find Tags (F7) Clear Exclusive Find Tags (F7)
Pressing F7 will turn off the exclusive find indicator for all fields.
This will allow Find and Find Next to locate text anywhere in the
record, unless field borders are on, in which case it must be entirely
within ONE field. Exclusive find tags are also cleared when a new
file is selected from the Pick File window.
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
View Structure View Structure
Print the File Structure (F9) Print the File Structure (F9)
Pressing F9 will print the file structure. If any fields are numbered
only those fields will be printed. The file statistics are printed
first followed by the field structure.
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Browse Records Browse Records
Browse Records (Alt-B) Browse Records (Alt-B) ______________________
Current Record and Delete Status Current Record and Delete Status
The current record number and delete status are displayed in the
bottom border of the Browse window.
Pan the Browse Window ( / ) Pan the Browse Window ( / )
The LeftArrow and RightArrow will allow you to pan to the left and
right, respectively.
View Large Fields (Tab/Shift-Tab) View Large Fields (Tab/Shift-Tab)
Tab and Shift-Tab change the offset of fields that are wider than the
Browse window. The offset is incremented or decremented by 10
characters. The current offset is displayed in the upper right-hand
corner of the Browse window.
Zoom the Browse Window (F2) Zoom the Browse Window (F2)
Pressing F2 will either expand or contract the Browse window. When
expanded the window shows 18 records and when contracted shows only
12, but has the advantage of allowing you to see the file statistics
as well.
Goto a Specific Record (F3) Goto a Specific Record (F3)
Pressing F3 will prompt you for a new record position. If the record
number specified is greater than the number of records in the file, an
error will occur and the lite-bar will stay on the same record.
Find Text (F7) Find Text (F7)
Pressing F7 will prompt you for the text you want to locate. Memo
fields are not searched and dBASE dates need to be searched as
follows. If the date you are looking for is 11/03/89 you would enter:
"891103" or "19891103" (don't enter the quotes).
When the case sensitivity indictor is off (IC) finding "don" will
locate records containing "Don", "DON", and other combination of those
three letters. To find only occurrences of "don", you must first turn
on the case sensitive indicator (CS) by pressing Alt-C.
There may be times that you want to find text only if it occurs in a
specific field or fields, not just anywhere in the record. To do this
press Alt-S for the View Structure window. Now tag the fields you
want searched exclusively by pressing F6. When you have tagged the
fields to be searched, press Alt-B to return to the Browse window.
Now your find will search only the fields you tagged.
Find will locate text even if it crosses field boundaries. To prevent
this you can turn on the field border indicator by pressing Alt-D.
When field borders are on (BO), text must be found entirely within ONE
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Browse Records Browse Records
Find can also be used to locate deleted records. Do a find for "*"
and make sure that field borders are off and no fields have been
tagged for exclusive find.
Find ALWAYS begins with the first record in the file. See "Find Next Find Next
Occurrence of Text" below to see how to start find at the current Occurrence of Text
If find fails a beep will sound.
Find Next Occurrence of Text (F8) Find Next Occurrence of Text (F8)
Pressing F8 will do a find next. Find next ALWAYS begins with the
next record in the file.
To start a find at the current record you can use find next. Press F7
to enter the find text and then press Esc. Now press F8 and the
search will begin at the next record.
If the find next fails a beep will sound.
Print Records (F9) Print Records (F9)
Pressing F9 prompts for print parameters and then prints the data. The
data is printed exactly as it is seen in the Browse window, but more
text may be printed if a longer print width is specified (this is how
you print the additional data to the right of the Browse window).
Print can be used in conjunction with the find text string to print
only records that contain the text. Find behaves here as described
The maximum print width is 250 characters.
Turn Century On/Off (Ctrl-C) Turn Century On/Off (Ctrl-C)
Pressing Ctrl-C will toggle the century on or off. When on, the date
is formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Edit/Append Records Edit/Append Records
Edit/Append Records (Alt-E/Alt-A) Edit/Append Records (Alt-E/Alt-A) _________________________________
Copy a Record (F2) Copy a Record (F2)
Pressing F2 will prompt you for the number of the record you want to
copy into the current record. To append a duplicate of a current
record you must first go into Append by pressing Alt-A. Then press F2
and specify the number of the record to copy. To complete the
operation, press PgDn.
Pressing Ctrl-F2 will also copy a record, but will use the last record
you specified to be copied instead of prompting you.
Goto a Specific Record (F3) Goto a Specific Record (F3)
Pressing F3 works the same as it does in Browse. See "Goto a Specific Goto a Specific
Record" on page 15. Record
Find Text (F7) Find Text (F7)
Pressing F7 works the same as it does in Browse. See "Find Text" on Find Text
page 15.
Find Next Occurrence of Text (F8) Find Next Occurrence of Text (F8)
Pressing F8 works the same as it does in Browse. See "Find Next Find Next
Occurrence of Text" on page 16. Occurrence of Text
Field Information (F10) Field Information (F10)
Pressing F10 will pop-up a window containing information about the
field in which the cursor is currently positioned. This can be
helpful if you forget the field type or want to know exactly how long
it is.
Turn Century On/Off (Ctrl-C) Turn Century On/Off (Ctrl-C)
Pressing Ctrl-C works the same as it does in Browse. See "Turn Turn
Century On/Off" on page 16. Century On/Off
System Date (Ctrl-D) System Date (Ctrl-D)
Pressing Ctrl-D while in a date field will place the system date in
the field. It will only work in a character field if enough room
remains from the cursor to the end of the field. It will also
overwrite any existing data in the field at those positions.
Move to Last Field Position (Ctrl-E) Move to Last Field Position (Ctrl-E)
Pressing Ctrl-E will move the cursor to the last possible position in
a field.
Restore Field Data (Ctrl-F) Restore Field Data (Ctrl-F)
Pressing Ctrl-F will restore the field's original data. Once you have
moved to another record any changes that were made become permanent
and can NOT be restored.
PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files" PopDBF - "Instant Access to dBASE Files"
Edit/Append Records Edit/Append Records
Abort and Lose Changes (Ctrl-Q/Esc) Abort and Lose Changes (Ctrl-Q/Esc)
Pressing Ctrl-Q or Esc will leave Edit and abandon any changes made to
the current record.
Restore Entire Record (Ctrl-R) Restore Entire Record (Ctrl-R)
Pressing Ctrl-R will restore the entire record's original data. See
"Restore Field Data" above for when changes in the current record "Restore Field Data"
become permanent.
Mark Record as Deleted (Ctrl-U) Mark Record as Deleted (Ctrl-U)
Pressing Ctrl-U will toggle the delete status of the current record.
The delete status of the current record is displayed in the bottom
border of the Edit (and Browse) window. See "Find Text" on page 15 Find Text
for a tip on how to find deleted records.
Quit and Save Changes (Ctrl-W/Ctrl-End) Quit and Save Changes (Ctrl-W/Ctrl-End)
Pressing Ctrl-W or Ctrl-End will quit Edit and save any changes made
to the current record.
Blank Current Field (Ctrl-Y) Blank Current Field (Ctrl-Y)
Pressing Ctrl-Y will fill the current field with spaces.
Blank to End of Field (Ctrl-Delete) Blank to End of Field (Ctrl-Delete)
Pressing Ctrl-Delete will delete from the current cursor position in
the current field to the end of the field.
Move to End of Data (End) Move to End of Data (End)
Pressing the End key will move the cursor to the first blank position
after any data entered in the current field.
Move to First Position (Home) Move to First Position (Home)
Pressing the Home key will move the cursor to the first position of
the current field.
Move Word (Ctrl- /Ctrl- ) Move Word (Ctrl- /Ctrl- )
Pressing Ctrl-LeftArrow or Ctrl-RightArrow will move one word to the
left or right, respectively.
Move to First/Last Field on Screen (Ctrl- /Ctrl- ) Move to First/Last Field on Screen (Ctrl- /Ctrl- )
Pressing Ctrl-UpArrow and Ctrl-DownArrow will move to the first and
last field respectively, on the screen.